Compression settings dialog

To activate this dialog select "Settings…" command in Options menu and click on "Compression" tab. The dialog contents are described below. Note that most of compression options can be specified via the Compression profiles/Create default button.

More details, on different compression parameters, will be found in the topic How to choose optimal archiving settings.

Compression profiles/Create default

In the dialog displayed after pressing this button you may specify default values for most compression options. Online help is available for all sections of the dialog, simply press "Help" button at any time to read detailed options description.

Options entered in this dialog are stored in the default compression profile, which name is "Default Profile", and are automatically restored before every archiving operation.

Compression profiles/Organize

Opens the dialog to organize compression profiles. In this Organize profiles dialog you may delete existing profiles or edit their parameters. For example, you may rename a profile or set it as default. Read online help associated with this dialog for more information.

Volume size list/Define volume sizes…

This button activates Define volume sizes dialog. Here you can customize the list of predefined volume sizes associated with "Split to volumes, bytes" field in Archive name and parameters dialog.

Default folder for archives

If this field is not empty and an archive name does not contain a full path, an archive will be created in the specified folder. For example, if you entered the path to your Desktop, archives created by WinRAR will appear on the Desktop.

If this field is empty and an archive name does not contain a full path, archives will be created in the same folder as the files archived.

Default folder for extracted files

You may enter here a name of the folder, which will be used as a base to construct the destination folder in Extract without confirmation and Extract files to the specified folder commands. WinRAR builds the destination path in these extraction commands merging the default folder and an archive name. It may be convenient to enter Desktop path here, so you will immediately see unpacked data on your Desktop.

Append archive name to path

It controls if archive name is appended to the default folder name when constructing the destination path.

Remove duplicate folders from extraction path

If this option is on and you unpack an archive which root folder has no files and only one 'somename' folder and if destination folder is new or empty and also ends with '\somename', WinRAR will exclude one 'somename' from resulting 'somename\somename' path. WinRAR will move unpacked data by one folder higher for that. For success of this operation the destination folder must not be used by other software until extraction is over.

For example, if you have the folder ‹Texts› containing some files, compressed it using "Add to Texts.rar" context menu command, deleted the original ‹Texts› folder and then decompressed Texts.rar using "Extract to Texts\" context menu command, your files will be in ‹Texts\Texts› folder if Remove duplicate folders from extraction path option is off and in ‹Texts› if it is on.